Velveteen Lops

About the Breed

Velveteen Lops are a breed currently in development. They will hopefully become an officially recognized breed by the American Rabbit Breeders Association in 2031. They can be shown in ARBA shows as long as the exhibitor brings the current standards. The current standard and more information can be found on the club's website


Velveteen Lops do not always do well on wire floors, so we recommend checking the bottom of your rabbit's feet regularly for sore hocks if you choose to keep them on a wire floor.

The minimum recommended cage size for Velveteens is 24"x 24".

Our rabbits are raised on Purina Show and if you purchase an animal from us, you will be provided a small baggie of transition feed to help you transition your rabbit onto the feed of your choice.

Our rabbits are accustomed to drinking out of both bottles and bowls, though we recommend checking bottles daily to ensure water is still flowing.

My Velveteens

Below are photos of the Velveteen Lop rabbits I have in my rabbitry. Please enjoy getting to know them!


Bred by Promise Acres Rabbitry


Bred by Willingham Rabbitry


Bred by Truckly's Hip Hop Rabbitry


Bred by Willingham Rabbitry


Bred by Willingham Rabbitry


Bred by Promise Acres Rabbitry


Bred by Promise Acres Rabbitry


Bred by Lyndiana Acres LLC


Bred by Cannon Fire Rabbitry


Bred by Flower Bud Rabbitry