About Me

Lynne Wahlstrom, Owner

  • Biologist

  • High School Library Assistant

  • Animal lover

I grew up in Western New York State on a small farm. Because of my early love of animals and crafting, my mother enrolled me in 4-H. It was in this program where I found my tribe. I participated in every craft, multiple 4-H clubs, and showed dogs, rabbits, goats, and horses. I loved learning about animals and chances are, if it can be domesticated, I've had one as a pet. I even held a New York State Wildlife Rehabilitation license for multiple years.

I knew I loved animals, so a degree in biology was a great fit. I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Biology from The State University of New York at Fredonia and immediately went into their Master of Arts in Teaching program to share my love of the natural world.

I moved to Indiana in 2014 to work for Purdue University as a 4-H Youth Development Educator in DeKalb County and it was here that I took a soap making class. That was all it took to get me hooked! My college classes in chemistry and natural creativity made formulating soap recipes, designing the look of the bars, and mixing scents a great fit. I enjoy making something useful that can enrich someone's quality of life, albeit in a small way.

I'm Social!

I hope you'll take a bit to check out my social media where you can find behind the scenes info, news, and lots more photos! Check them out today!

I hope to see you at dog shows and craft fairs living the life you imagined!